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Mailbag Responses


The other day, as I was reviewing some of the responses I'd provided to general questions and requests for wine recommendations that I've received, I realized that they might be of benefit for the broader website audience. To that end, we'll start to post selected questions and requests for wine recommendations, along with my responses. So, keep those questions and recommendation requests coming! You might end up in print!

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Mailbag Responses Archive


How to Pick a Good Rosé

On the heels of the latest post in the Education & Commentary section, Rosé: A Summertime Sip Worth the Plunge, a reader named Cara wrote in, saying that she was "sick of Sauvignon Blanc all summer long," and that she "would like to get more comfortable with Rosé - the less fruity variety, of course." Cara asked, "How do I pick a good [rosé]?"

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A Pairing Request for Scallops with Spice Oil

A reader named Mary recently wrote in with a recommendation request for a wine to pair with a family dinner, of Scallops with Spice Oil. As I love scallops, I was quick to reply with a recommendation. A few days after replying, I tried out the recipe, but decided to pair it with a 2000 Chateau Soucherie Clos des Perrieres Savennieres. The aged Savennieres showed notes of candied apples, and a slight cider quality, which nicely balanced the spice oil. So, in addition to the recommendations below, that's another (albeit more obscure) wine to try. Anyways, here's my response:

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