American Wine Trivia for Thanksgiving

Updated on Sunday, November 25, 2012 at 11:04AM by
Happy Thanksgiving! With America's signature holiday just a few days away, I thought it would be fun to focus on American wine trivia. Like most components of our country's culture, wine production and consumption in America is a veritable "melting pot," having been influenced by various countries. Many of the famous international grape varietals of which we are so fond (Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, etc.) are of European origin. The American wine industry has grown up comparing itself to, and competing with the wines of France, although influence from Italy and Spain can also be detected. Yet, in recent years, American wines have become prominent forces in the international wine market, and wine culture in the United States is on the rise. Although we may still be a beer drinking country, many of our best and brightest have been oenophiles.
For your research pleasure, here's a few trivia questions related to America and wine. Submit your responses using our General Question Form. The winner gets their choice of free admission to our final Fall Wine Discovery Class at Levity (Monday, November 26th), or a Starbucks gift card. We'll close the quiz, and post the answers on Sunday evening.