Summertime Sipping and Wine "On-The-Go"

If you're anything like me, you've looked at the calendar today, recognized that it's July 17th, that the summer is half-over, and while you've had a lot of fun, you're not sure exactly where all the time has gone. My summer has been marked by softball games, soccer, my five-year college reunion, moving, sailing, swimming, concerts, and more. However, I find that balancing an on-the-go lifestyle with culinary and wine appreciation can be difficult. While I have no wish to combine wine consumption with athletics, it is nice to be able to have a glass of wine during an evening sail, or at an outdoor concert, or even during a leisurely river tubing trip. To that end, I wanted to make everyone aware of my favorite device for enjoying wine outside the comfort of your home: the GoVino glass.
Since I was first introduced to GoVino while working at BRIX Wine Shop in the summer of 2008, it has been a trusted companion for many a sailing trip, picnic, Tanglewood concert, and river tubing excursion. These glasses are made of shatterproof plastic, but look like a classy, stemless wine glass. Trust me, it's far superior to drinking wine from a Solo Cup. Hopefully this adds to the rest of your summer wine enjoyment!

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