The Merlot Line: Bridging the Divide Between Wine and Sports

Like most wine lovers, wine is my beverage of choice. If there's wine around, that's what I'm going to drink, regardless of the situation. It's not that I don't like beer, or whiskey. It's just that they don't agree with me as much as wine does. The conundrum I'm often faced with is that I'm a 29-year old, sports-loving male, and for some reason, society has determined that wine conoisseurs and die-hard sports fans should be mutually exclusive entities. I'll freely admit that the majority of my friends make fun of me when they come over to my house to watch a game, and snicker as I pop open a bottle of whatever wine I deem appropriate for the occasion. Sure, the habit might be a little eccentric, but as Bud Light has reminded us countless times this year, "it's only weird if it doesn't work." I drink my wine, my team (hopefully) wins the game, and everyone goes home happy. Some people have "quinoa." I have my wine. What's the problem?