Upcoming Panel Tasting: Cabernet Sauvignon

Our next panel tasting will be in the weeks following Labor Day, in celebration of Cabernet Day, which is August 30th. However, due to the Labor Day holiday and travel plans, we'll be holding the tasting following Labor Day. Since we've covered one half of the 1976 "Paris Tasting" by covering Chardonnay, I suppose it makes sense to look at the other side (both reds and whites were featured in the 1976 event), in our second panel tasting. If you'd like to join the tasting panel, submit our General Question form with the subject line "Cabernet Day Tasting" and include your contact details in the body of the email. Cheers!
You can win a free spot in the panel tasting by being the top scorer in our Quiz on Cabernet Sauvignon!

For those of you who have been awaiting the announcement of a date for this tasting panel, it will be on Thursday, September 20th, at 8:00 PM. Because the tasting will be hosted at a private residence, we will not post the address, but it will be made available to those who sign up through the General Question Form, with the subject line "Cabernet Panel Tasting."
The cost of the tasting will be between $15 and $20 per person, but remember that you can win a free spot in the panel tasting (or a Starbucks gift card) by completing our quiz on Cabernet. The contest will be closed, and answers to the quiz will be posted on Tuesday, September 18th, so get your submissions in before then!
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